Friday, May 22, 2020

Inequality in the United States - 889 Words

Country of Indifference One of the main topics discussed during this political science course is the political and economic inequality that has recently risen to staggering levels in the United States. Although political and economic inequality seem to be some of the most pressing issues we face today, little has been done to close the gap between the middle and upper classes. By looking at how our government and society behaves, one can see why the inequality barrier is such a difficult obstacle to overcome. Politicians may be more focused on staying in the good favor of their party than their people, but they are still elected by the majority. If more citizens took a more proactive approach to politics, social movements would be more successful and more balance would be brought to the political spectrum; however, money, powerful officials, and a general lack of interest prevent the government from maintaining a system that benefits everyone equally. Despite the inequality in the United State s, many Americans have been determined to have their voices heard. Recently, movements such as Occupy Wallstreet and the Tea Party Movement have formed in response to the growing wealth and control by the â€Å"1%†. These social movements have become very popular at times due to discontent among the populace and the wide accessibility of social media. While these movements tend to have rapid success early on; lack of cohesion, results, and true directionShow MoreRelatedThe United States Of Inequality Essay1153 Words   |  5 PagesThe United States of Inequality is an article that delves into the harsh realities we face in our country today, with regards to income inequality. Income inequality in the United States is at a rise. And the sobering factor is that so little is being done to address this issue. 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A girl named Reshma Daniel had to give up what she loved most because of a situation regarding both her race and gender. Reshma Daniel’s parents moved to America from India with just a couple dollars. Her parents wanted their children to live the American life. ForRead MoreEconomic Inequality Of The United States1696 Words   |  7 PagesEconomic Inequality Paper Homelessness is one of the main problems plaguing the United States today, with low income earners at a higher risk of becoming homeless than previous years. There have been countless laws and ordinances put in place throughout the country in hopes of solving this growing problem but many of them have failed to address one of the main things causing this issue, economic inequality and the unequal distribution of wealth in the United States. 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As such, explorations of rising inequality are not new. Where the readings are revelatory, however, is in their efforts to expose the fallacy that economic distribution, be it the hyper-concentration of wealth at the top or the existenceRead MorePoverty Inequality : The United States1040 Words   |  5 Pagesgreatest problems in the United States today. Poverty is the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; a condition of being poor.Many people, especially African Americans and children, live in poverty. People in poverty are left to face different social, cultural, phys ical and mental challenges.The American Dream is to have a well paying job and to be comfortable, but most Americans are forced to live a life of poverty. Although the United States is one of the richest

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